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Multi-channel comms integration

Selling on various marketplaces? Handle your customer service through one app!

Try for free
Multi-channel comms integration

We are connected with all of themost popular marketplaces

Join the best. Take your customer service to a higher level!

How Does It Work?
See these 3 simple steps

Choose a channel

Pick an integration that you want to make. You can choose from all of the most popular marketplaces, like Amazon, eBay, and Shopee.

Choose a channel

Set it up

We make the process as intuitive as it can be so you can get it done really quickly.

Set it up

Save and… that’s it!

Just save your preferences to make your daily work easier and more effective!

Save and… that’s it!

Choose a channel

Pick an integration that you want to make. You can choose from all of the most popular marketplaces, like Amazon, eBay, and Shopee.

Choose a channel

Set it up

We make the process as intuitive as it can be so you can get it done really quickly.

Set it up

Save and… that’s it!

Just save your preferences to make your daily work easier and more effective!

Save and… that’s it!

Time Saving

Signing in and out again and again… Forget it! Now you can talk to all of your customers via just one panel.
Time Saving

Analyze Your Service

Our statistics will help you improve your customer service and manage your team’s tasks flawlessly.
Analyze Your Service

All in One

Responso is all you need to handle your entire customer service needs, even if you sell on ten different platforms. Our system is a comms combo!
All in One

Granting Access

With Responso, you can differentiate your employees duties and permissions so the team will know what to do without engaging a busy manager.
Granting Access

Time to Respond

How much time is left to reply to a customer? Don’t worry. With Responso, you won’t miss the deadline. Your performance rate is safe.
Time to Respond

How to Enable This Feature?

Check out our documentation. We have prepared instructions that explain the process step by step.
Go to documentation

We have integrations with thebiggest!

Try Responso today!

Free 14-day trial periodWe do not require a credit cardReady to use automatic actions

Don't wait and improve customer service in your eCommerce!

Try it now for free for 14 days