
Autoresponder, AI i automatyzacje dla lepszej obsługi klienta w Nowym Roku    Testuj bezpłatnie przez 14 dni

Explore Responso integrations

Integrate Responso with the applications and tools you use every day. Automate the work of customer service and save time!
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Discover the endless integration with our system

Customize Responso to your workflow and increase efficiency. Integrations help automate repetitive tasks and save time. The application creates great conditions for you to build a credible brand in the eyes of the customer.
Responso allows you to manage customer communication without going to Amazon. If you sell on multiple marketplaces, you will appreciate this functionality.
eBay is seen in many countries as Allegro is in Poland. With a multi-lingual customer service automation tool, you can easily conquer foreign markets.
By integrating Etsy with the Responso system, you will gain the ability to receive message notifications from clients in the form of tickets as well as the ability to assign tags, agents, or SLA.
Responding to story mentions and story replies can be confusing. It’s worth speeding up this process by linking your Instagram account to the Responso app. Such integration will save you a lot of time.
You don’t need to log in to Facebook to reply to your store’s customers. You can add chat Messenger on the store page and operate it along with all your other messages from customers via the Responso app.
Easy integration with this popular platform means that responding to buyers’ requests will take a minimum amount of time. The quality of service will bring your store closer to the coveted Super Seller status.
Integration with BaseLinker allows you to track all correspondence with customers of your store in the BaseLinker panel, and when you correspond with customers in Responso, you have a preview of all order details from BaseLinker.
Responso’s smart autoresponder for Allegro is the key to the seller’s account maintaining a high rating. Thanks to it, you can be sure that customers receive responses to their requests almost immediately.
Integrate Responso with Kaufland.de and manage all accounts through one panel with the ability to display BaseLinker orders in every conversation with a client.
Thanks to the integration of EmpikPlace with Responso, you can manage communication from all accounts from one panel. Also, if you use BaseLinker, you have access to all order information in one window.
Do you use multiple OLX accounts? Responso is the tool you need because jumping from account to account to message the customer back is tiresome. Responso eliminates this problem.
By integrating our tool with the most popular eCommerce plugin, you can easily view all your WooCommerce orders in every conversation with a client in Responso.
Responso allows you to manage all messages from multiple email inboxes in the application window. You don’t have to constantly check different email accounts – all communication is available in the Responso panel.
Allow your clients to communicate quickly by text messages by integrating Responso with the WhatsApp communicator.
Send and receive messages from your clients from the Erli platform, and display order data directly in the Responso panel.
By email integration through IMAP/SMTP, you can easily connect any mailbox with the Responso system.
Send and receive messages from your clients from the Mercado Livre platform, and display order data directly in the Responso panel.
Send and receive messages from your clients from the Americanas Marketplace platform, and display order data directly in the Responso panel.
Thanks to Responso, you can have two-way communication with your clients via text messages and easily verify orders assigned to particular phone numbers from BaseLinker, WooCommerce, and many other sources.
Send and receive messages from your clients from the BigCommerce platform, and display order data directly in the Responso panel.
Communicate with your CDiscount clients through a single panel, regardless of how many accounts you have on the platform.
Send and receive messages from your Pretashop clients, and display order data directly in the Responso panel.
Send and receive messages from your clients from the Walmart platform, and display order data directly in the Responso panel.
Manage the messages from the clients of your Magento e-shop, and display order data by integrating with Responso.
Communicate with your Mirakl clients through a single panel, regardless of how many accounts you have on the platform.
Try Responso today!

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